Courageously ambitious

  • Do you have a dream or a desire that you feel is ‘too big’ to accomplish?
  • Have you ever tried something and had your confidence knocked out of you?
  • Have you ever wanted to be part of a community that just gets you and understands your needs?
  • Have you ever been nervous to invest £1 because you are afraid?

You are not alone.


The Red African outfit

The courage to know that I am investable and show that I believe in myself.  Therefore, if I believe in myself and the work I do, you will believe in the Fire PR Club too.


In 2021, I (the one in the middle) decided to step out of my comfort zone and network more.  I want to grow the PR Club and support ambitious individuals and company owners to access PR at an affordable rate.  I was invited to attend a London Chamber of Commerce Event. 

As you can imagine, the 'uniform' is business wear, black suits, and formal dress.  However, I very deliberately but nervously made up my mind to be comfortable in any room I go into, not stare at my phone, not avoid eye contact, and not dress to fit in, but I wanted to ensure I continued to turn up 100% representative of what I need the world to understand about me.  Therefore, I was prepared for rejection, I was prepared for standing on my own the entire night, just because I did not adhere to the norm.

In fact, this is what happened:

  • This photo was taken as soon as I walked in
  • I met and spoke to many amazing people, some of whom I connected with on Linkedin and have met since
  • I posted a picture of me in this outfit with a cheeky question asking, “Would this be classed as business attire?” and I received an inquiry from a very high profiled production company

We all want success, but how do we achieve that?


Setting goals is something we do to achieve a ‘better’ outcome in life. 

Be it comfort, more money, a happier life, a peaceful life. But the reality is that whatever you have tried nothing seems to work. 

When this happens there is one thing you can do to help yourself, you can be Courageously Ambitious.  Being Courageously Ambitious is about surrendering to the possibility that it is failing to retry, by not reinvesting, and not giving it another go, you will feel regret, and that would be worse than failing.

Many of us have been there, we have felt alone when we have ambitions that we share with the world, and nothing initially happens.  But it is in being courageous, patient and determined that you will succeed.


Here are a few tips to help you achieve success.

  1. Be patient with yourself
  2. Invest in yourself – this allows you to access new perspectives, resources, and tools
  3. Give generously to others – do not just stand on the side-lines criticising, constructive or not. If you want to see a change, be part of the solution
  4. Share information with others, and help others to succeed, even if you are all going in the same direction
  5. Celebrate other’s success – the endorphins will make you feel better and happier
  6. Keep finding creative ways to communicate with others
  7. Collaborate
  8. Take risks (low, medium and high)
  9. Become part of a community


All of our members of The PR Club want to make a massive difference in the world. 


Take for example Rob YB Youngblood.  A successful entrepreneur who wants to impact the lives of 1miliion black and brown people across the globe using Linkedin to unlock their full potential. Because of many of the tools we provide and have outlined above, he is making great strides towards that goal.


There is also Karen Simon, whose mission is to support business owners.  Her Virtual PA business is created to assist highly ambitious and accomplished business owners across the globe.  She regularly leverages the pr community to help her clients and attract clients on a regular basis.


Then there is Ruddock and Co Chartered Certified Accountants, run by Narda and Rohan They are on a mission to support their local communities – (Business, Family, and Spiritual) and they have been courageously ambitious, by taking the step to invest in their success.   Within a short period of time, they have been able to gain access to events, resources, press coverage, and tools they did not have awareness of 3 months ago. 

These are a few of the success stories of the PR Club and the work we do to support the growth of businesses across the globe.

To join is simple, click this link  and activate your membership to gain access to the tools that have helped others to unlock their dreams and ambitions and live Courageously Ambitious.


Take action

If this blog post has been helpful to you, then it will be helpful to others surrounding you.  Share and commit to helping others to be inspired because of the actions you have taken.


Communicators I also enjoy

  • Your Aunties Could Never Podcast
  • Melan Magazine
  • Brene Brown