My Work Experience by Aleyah Babb-Benjamin (original written and released in 2016)


I have chosen to use the word ‘experience’ in the title of this blog because my two weeks here at FP Comms have been exactly that – and an enriching, insightful and pleasant one to say the least.

Before even having arrived in the office, Nicola informed me that my two weeks interning here shall not be one in which tea and coffee making becomes my new speciality, because she was determined to give me the opportunity to learn about her company, develop key business skills and apply my own individual flair to the role.

I prepared a list of objectives that I would like to complete in my time at FP Comms, though it is still fair to say that I wasn’t 100% sure of what to expect of my internship. Sentiments of excitement, anticipation and apprehension presented themselves on my first day, but Nicola’s warm welcome and introduction to the company reassured me that I was in a place whereby integrity, attention to detail and a commitment to providing an excellent service were at the core of what they do.

I really engaged and connected with this ethos, and I feel that my genuine belief in the company’s ambition and drive is what spurred me on to learn as much as I could and do as much as I could, too.

There was no messing about when it came to the work that I was asked to do! After the success of PuriSkin in Birchbox’s May 2016 release, I investigated similar companies that use the subscription box marketing technique to promote companies’ products. I did this by researching on social media platforms such as Twitter and YouTube, as well as through Google searches. I also created a mini-marketing plan for an FP Comms event to be held on 11 August, which involved giving ideas on how to promote the event and engage event-goers in the hope of creating audiences with longevity.

On my second day Heena, a Marketing Sage at the company (and really lovely too!), gave me some really positive feedback on this Marketing Plan. The days where in it was just me and Heena in the office were great because she reaffirmed the positive work atmosphere at the company, whilst also giving me a unique insight into how best to go about the tasks she set me.

I have really appreciated the trust that Nicola and Heena have put in me during the course of these two weeks in giving me the responsibility of emailing online influencers and allowing me to give ideas and opinions on how to improve aspects of the brand and increase exposure. They have really allowed me to leave an individualised impression on the company and gave me free rein to express myself here. 

The thing I enjoyed most was coming along to Nicola’s event on Connecting Brands with Influencers held in Central London. Although I was there to record on our social network platforms and take notes, I feel like I took away just as much (if not more) information as those who paid to come along! I found Nicola’s presentation to be hugely insightful, and I enjoyed understanding branding and marketing from the client’s perspective as opposed to as a consumer.

My greatest achievement whilst working here was coming up with new and innovative ideas in a Marketing Plan for a potential Black-Owned Business client. One of my ideas even led to communications with a hugely popular vlogger in the hope of a partnership here.

And finally, I really feel like my time at FP Comms has made me consider Marketing as a potential career path, and has taught me invaluable skills that I can bring forward in succeeding roles. The fact that we could all sing along to Smooth Radio in the office is a testament to the chilled-out atmosphere here and undoubtedly highlights how much Nicola values having a friendly, positive yet professional vibe at the core of her company.

She says that she has always aimed to become a boss that she herself would like to work for; I am more than sure that she has been successful in this endeavour!


This was written by Aleyah Babb-Benjamin (original written and released in 2016)