My mantra is, ‘I rather have tried and failed than live a life of regret’
I proved the naysayers wrong!
FP Comms is here after 15 years because I BELIEVED wholeheartedly in what I could do. When I restarted, I was a mother of two. I knew my craft and what I could do but I was no business guru or expert.
But I started regardless of those fears because I stopped believing the lies I would tell myself. Fundamentally, I knew that the pain of regret was greater than not trying.
I perceive myself as an introverted individual with extrovert tendencies. This means that my thoughts dance around sayings like:
The truth is I just wanted to be happy, fulfilled, and do what I do best. At the same time contribute something positive to society, feed my family, and support others to do the same.
Looking back to when I started over 15 years ago, I was living a partial existence. I had a fire inside of me to do extra for myself, I needed my cup to be overflowing, and at that time it was just about full. I wanted more and believed I deserved more. Yes, I wanted to make a living - but I also wanted to live, I needed to live.
So, it was with that determination in mind, that I restarted my journey and got down to business.
I know relationships are key to all levels of success and I wanted to hit a profit margin of £118,800 per year (for me this is achievable). To start I needed to build my confidence so I took a few steps:
But the game-changer for me was when I invested in two mentors. I realised I knew PR and its impact on business, but I was not an expert at business, especially since I wanted to take my company to the next level. I wanted to grow.
The image above illustrates growth over the last year
And all those free courses and sessions got me to where I was, but I had not yet achieved my goal. I started to envision a less stressful way to create and grow my company because I didn’t want to
So, I invested in myself and FP Comms!
Which led to a very quick upturn in sales and growth. FP Comms began to become the business I dreamed it would
I have gone through two economic downturns and a pandemic. The first thing in any business to go during those times are PR and marketing. But here we are and so are our clients.
FP Comms is changing lives. FP Comms is helping people. We have weathered several storms and we are still here and so are our clients.
On average our clients stay with us for 6 years and often return for additional services.
My point is this, if I had not overcome all of those fears, doubts, and naysayers, I would not have been in a position to help, support, nurture and grow.
My recommendation to you is this – DO IT! Start that business and try. I recommend that you:
I, We, and all of the FP Comms, Marketing With Love Digital, and PR Club community are cheering you on.
Freedom may not be free, but it is freeing!
You are invited to join the PR Club for the support and growth you need in your business.
For more information about the support we provide businesses click here to learn more
The Audio clip rights belong to Marianne Williamson