Seize the Moment: Unleashing the Magic with Early Ticket Purchases for Local, Community, Cultural, and Business Events


In recent years, the call for empowering and uplifting black-owned businesses has gained momentum, this has also forced all sectors to review the way business is done in the 21st Century. 

FP Comms we have also witnessed and participated firsthand businesses that have successfully sold out events, and others that have struggled to convert marketing and advertising spend, into ticket sales.  However, today we are focusing on The Power of Early Ticket Purchases for Local, Community, Cultural and Business Events, and its importance on the economic growth or SMEs and local events.


"What do you call people who leave their purchases to the last minute?"



One way to actively support these businesses and create positive change within our communities is through early ticket purchases for local, community, cultural and Business events.

In this blog post, we will explore why FP Comms is steadfast in emphasising the significance of buying tickets in advance and how this simple action can help change the trajectory of black-owned businesses.

Additionally, we will shed light on the adverse effects of leaving ticket purchases to the last minute, and why this behavior needs to be transformed for the betterment of SMEs and growing businesses within our society's culture.


  1. Financial Empowerment:



Early ticket purchases hold the key to financial empowerment for black-owned businesses. By securing tickets in advance, event organisers can plan more effectively, allocate resources, and create marketing strategies that target a specific number of attendees. This early commitment from ticket buyers/ delegates ensures a stable revenue stream for event organisers, enabling them to support local vendors and small businesses that may be part of the event. The financial boost generated from early ticket sales can be reinvested in community initiatives and further the growth of black-owned enterprises


  1. Mental and Emotional Support:

Leaving ticket purchases to the last minute can lead to uncertainty and stress for both event organisers and attendees. The fear of insufficient ticket sales can be mentally and emotionally taxing for businesses that rely on successful events to thrive. Early ticket purchases demonstrate solidarity and genuine interest in supporting local entrepreneurs, promoting a positive environment for growth, and instilling confidence in the success of the event. This emotional backing can go a long way in building a resilient and prosperous business community


  1. Logistical Advantage:

Logistics are a crucial aspect of event planning. When tickets are purchased early, organisers can accurately gauge attendance numbers and make informed decisions on event logistics. This allows businesses and local vendors to adequately prepare for the event, ensuring that they have enough products, staff, and resources to cater to the attendees. Smooth event operations and a well-managed event contribute to a positive and memorable experience for everyone involved


  1. Fostering a Culture of Proactivity:

The habit of leaving ticket purchases to the last minute reflects a reactive rather than proactive approach to community engagement. Transforming this behavior into one of early ticket purchasing fosters a culture of proactivity and commitment. It encourages individuals to plan ahead, prioritise community events, and actively support businesses. This cultural shift can lead to more stable and flourishing SMEs, creating a stronger economic backbone for our communities


  1. Collective Growth and Long-Term Impact:

When individuals consistently purchase tickets early for local and community events, the cumulative effect results in sustained growth and impact for black-owned businesses. The revenue generated from early ticket sales can be reinvested in initiatives that support economic development, education, and job opportunities within the community. This, in turn, creates a cycle of positive change and empowerment for future generations


Why do people leave buying tickets for local events to the last minute?

Because they like to wait until the "eleventh hour" to make an "eventful" decision!



The significance of purchasing tickets early for local and community events cannot be overstated when it comes to supporting businesses and fostering a thriving entrepreneurial culture.

Early ticket sales provide financial stability, emotional support, and logistical advantages to event organizers and businesses alike. By breaking away from the last-minute ticket purchasing habit, we can collectively change the trajectory of businesses, creating a positive and lasting impact on our communities and future generations. Together, let us embrace the power of early ticket purchases and unlock the potential of our local economies.