How we won a contract through a three year old blog post


In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, serendipity often rewards the diligent and the prepared. One such instance of fortuitous success for us at Marketing With Love Digital Platform came through a blog post entitled "Conscious Christmas Shopping: Meaningful Gift Ideas and Sustainable Choices," written three years ago (2021). This seemingly modest piece of content led us to secure a valuable contract, underscoring the significance of consistency, strategic alignment, and the value of networking.

At Marketing With Love, we have always emphasised the importance of maintaining a consistent presence across press, social media and networking. All of whch are carefully chosen based on our target audience and brand identity.  You see, they are not merely channels for broadcasting content, but strategic tools for engaging with our community. By consistently aligning our messaging across these platforms, we ensure that we are always ready to seize opportunities as they arise.

The success of our "Conscious Christmas Shopping" blog post is a testament to this approach. Despite being written three years ago, its relevance and alignment with current trends in sustainability and conscious consumerism kept it in the limelight. This longevity and consistent performance were key factors in attracting the attention of our new client, who valued the thoughtful and meaningful approach we presented in the blog.

Beyond the digital realm, networking in the right rooms and building social capital have been pivotal in our journey. Our participation in industry events, forums, and networking clubs like The PR Club has not only expanded our reach but also solidified our reputation as thought leaders in the digital marketing space. The relationships we have built through these interactions have often turned into valuable business opportunities.

The PR Club, in particular, has been instrumental in maintaining momentum. It offers a platform for consistent engagement and motivation, encouraging us to keep refining strategies and building the brand. By surrounding ourselves with like-minded professionals, we have fostered a network of support that amplifies our efforts and achievements.


Delivering value through supportive content

One of the core tenets of our content strategy is to highlight results and share supportive content. Whether it's through blog posts, social media updates, or client case studies, we focus on providing value to our audience. This approach not only establishes our authority but also builds trust with our readers and potential clients.

Offering valuable content at a fair price, even if it’s not free, further reinforces this trust. We believe in the importance of fair exchange and transparency, ensuring that our clients and audience receive more than just superficial insights. This principle was evident in our "Conscious Christmas Shopping" blog post, which provided actionable and meaningful ideas, resonating deeply with our readers.



Building relationships through blogging

Our blog is more than just a repository of articles; it’s a gateway to building relationships. Those who engage with us via our blog often become part of our extended community, interacting with us across various platforms and eventually becoming clients.

The contract we secured is a prime example of this dynamic. A potential client, initially drawn to our blog by its valuable content, saw the depth and sincerity of our approach, leading to a fruitful business relationship.

In the ever-evolving world of public relations, success often comes from a blend of consistency, strategic alignment, and proactive networking. Our experience with the "Conscious Christmas Shopping" blog post illustrates how these elements, combined with a commitment to delivering valuable content, can lead to significant business opportunities.

At Marketing With Love Digital Platform, we remain dedicated to these principles, continually striving to build meaningful connections and drive impactful results for our clients.