Empowering Entrepreneurs: Insights from Dr. Carlton Brown on entrepreneurship and Nicola Millington on PR

I recently had the honour of joining Dr. Carlton Brown, author of the Black Entrepreneur Report and founder of Marshall and Brown, to delve into the world of entrepreneurship.

Dr. Brown graciously invited me to share insights on public relations and its significance in business. The experience was nothing short of extraordinary, with a phenomenal response from a diverse and enthusiastic audience of over 600 participants online and via mobile devices.

The feedback we received on the event was overwhelmingly positive. Attendees expressed gratitude for the informative and uplifting session, highlighting key takeaways and the impact of Dr. Brown's expertise. Here are some of the comments we received:

  • "I logged on a bit late tonight but enjoyed the feedback from the Black Entrepreneurs' conference."
  • "A Masterclass from Dr. Carlton Brown & Nicola."
  • "Carlton was on point. Very educational, informative, and inspirational."
  • "The dynamics of business explained by Carlton Brown were amazing."
  • "A lovely 2 hander with Dr Carlton Brown and Nicola Millington such food for thought!"
  • "Detailed presentation from Carlton Brown and colleague."
  • "Dr. Carlton Brown's great talk and knowledge took me back a few years, reminded me of all that I learned before starting up my business. He was spot on with everything he said. He had me reflecting too."

The event went beyond providing information; it created a space for empowerment and community building. Participants valued the concise, clear, and time-framed sessions, emphasising the effectiveness of the keynote speakers, including Dr. Carlton Brown.

For me, stepping into a new audience to discuss public relations was a rewarding experience. Once I found my rhythm, I confidently shared my knowledge and engaged in a Q&A session at the end. This interaction allowed me to address personal pain points, emphasizing the importance of controlling one's narrative through effective public relations.

Public relations, for me, is not just a role or a job; it's a mission to support individuals in controlling their narrative. This mission is central to the work we do at the PR Club. It serves as a space to boost PR confidence, knowledge, and experience—more than a talking shop, it's a daily reminder of the essential steps required to grow a successful business.

Finally, the event was a powerful collaboration, offering valuable insights into entrepreneurship and the pivotal role of public relations. Dr. Carlton Brown's expertise and the engaging discussions left a lasting impact on everyone involved, fostering a sense of community and empowerment for those striving for success in their entrepreneurial journey.

What does it mean to you to be successful in business?


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