Top PR strategies for managing WhatsApp or Telegram scams, and how to turn this crisis into a PSA

When a small or growing business is impacted by a WhatsApp or Telegram scam, it's essential to handle the situation effectively to maintain trust and protect your reputation. Here are the top PR tips to manage this crisis:

1. Swap “scam” with “PSA (Public Service Announcement)”

  • Why: Using the term "PSA" instead of "scam" allows you to shift the tone from a reactive stance to a proactive, helpful one. It frames your message as educational, providing your customers with valuable information while avoiding a sense of panic.
  • How: In your communications, say something like, “We’re issuing a Public Service Announcement to alert our community to stay vigilant.”

2. Immediate and transparent communication

  • Why: A prompt response demonstrates responsibility and control. Customers will appreciate transparency if they feel you are keeping them informed.
  • How: Publish a detailed statement through your official channels (website, email, social media) outlining the scam, how it affects users, and what steps they should take

3. Educate your audience

  • Why: Empowering your customers with information helps prevent further damage and shows you care about their security.
  • How: Share tips on how to identify phishing attempts, spot fraudulent messages, and report them. Use infographics, step-by-step guides, or a video tutorial to make this information more engaging

4. Direct customers to official channels

  • Why: This reduces the risk of customers engaging with scammers and ensures they get accurate information directly from you.
  • How: Remind your audience to only trust official communications and share links to your verified WhatsApp or Telegram accounts. You can also provide alternate ways for customers to reach you, like email or customer service hotlines.

5. Leverage media and Influencers

  • Why: Media coverage can amplify your PSA and alert a wider audience. Influencers can also lend credibility to your message.
  • How: Send out a press release or organise a virtual briefing for relevant media outlets and influencers in your industry. Ask them to share your PSA to help warn others.

6. Monitor and respond to social media

  • Why: Customers will likely express concerns or ask questions via social platforms, and addressing them quickly can prevent rumors and calm fears.
  • How: Set up a monitoring team to reply to questions, correct misinformation, and provide assistance where needed. Create a dedicated hashtag or thread to centralise updates.

7. Collaborate with platforms and authorities

  • Why: Working with WhatsApp, Telegram, and local authorities can help you get the scam stopped more quickly and demonstrate that you’re taking serious action.
  • How: Report the issue to these platforms, and communicate your cooperation with them in your messaging to show that steps are being taken to safeguard your customers.

Managing a situation like this with a calm, proactive approach can help your business maintain trust and credibility during and after the crisis.

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