3 obvious tips for PR success

 Anything is possible. If nothing else, 2020 has shown us exactly that. Good or bad, all of us had to evolve with the times, assess what is important in our lives and move in that direction. It was easier for some than others. 

At the inception of any business, we’re bombarded with a list of all the elements that are essential to the growth of a business; from cash flow to an exit plan. However, there’s one absolute simple fact; without communication which informs and educates people about your business, you’re a thought in the wind.

Communication is the art of connecting, to build better relationships. Marketing and PR are the umbrellas for all aspects of communication within a business, from branding to advertising; writing press releases to working with Influencers. 

Marketing and PR (as skills) can seem like an oxymoron, on one hand, it looks like a piece of cake, easy to deliver whilst achieving seamless results. On the other hand, there are at least 76 elements and actions that need to take place for those great results to be achieved. Here are my three key tips in helping you achieve great PR success.


NUMBER 1: Journalists are humans too.

It’s amazing how often business owners feel entitled and believe it’s the responsibility of a journalist to cover their story. The simple truth is that the journalist has free will, and many other releases to consider. Remember, there’s a human-being reading/skimming your press release. Even though your release may go on an automated site that will publish your press release verbatim, inevitably it’s a human that will decide if it’s worthy of publishing and promoting on their site. Always remember this when you’re crafting a release; us humans like to read an engaging, well-constructed, and grammatically correct press release.


  • THE PERSONAL TOUCH - If you’re sending the article to a specific journalist, research the work of that journalist thoroughly. Knowledge of any recent articles is always an advantage. Read a number of their articles, learn about the publications and the sections they write for, and find out their deadlines.


  • THE SOCIAL MEDIA CONNECTION - It’s also an advantage to follow them on Twitter, as journalists often post about what they are working on using the hashtag #journorequest


  • RESPECT - Most importantly, be respectful of their time and their craft and be prepared to answer additional questions quickly.


NUMBER 2 - Understand how publications and media platforms work

Publications are interested in articles that help engage their readers. However, they’re also reliant on advertisers to keep their publication in print and on the airwaves. Bear this in mind when sending your release.

  • Is your article going to help the publication increase readership, viewers or listeners?

This doesn’t mean you should sensationalise or embellish your story. However, you should find a unique angle, something more interesting than a website launching (exciting though that might be for you, on its own, it’s not usually newsworthy).  For example, announce a special prize draw for new subscribers on your website, involving a date with a celebrity. You could then have several story angles: 

    • The prize itself 
    • The website/business launch
    • How you organised that prize!  
    • Why that celebrity is supporting your business
    • The winner’s story once they are picked


Can you imagine how inspired other businesses could potentially be by your example? Why would the media platform not want to tell your story?

In summary, always ask yourself what’s in it for the publication. This thought can help you focus your mind and your press release.


NUMBER 3 - Stay ready, to be ready!

Journalists and the media can often run to very tight deadlines. Try to ensure that you’re available to respond to questions quickly. Have relevant, high-resolution images to hand (300dpi) to send to the journalist, as they may need them for the article. Often, a good image can be the difference between being published or not.


Were these tips obvious to you?  If not which one was the least obvious?

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